Cool while seeing some robot car wandering around? It is very easy. With a car platform, add some micro-controller (such as Arduino) and sensor modules, and program it. Then you made your own robot car. The mechanical structure is simple, it is easy to install. Convenient power throughout the system in a switch, while starting and stopping. No add-ins are very convenient, the entire system highly integrated. Can be used to measure distance, speed.
Assembly Steps:
1. Assemble the castors with the base plate. You can choose to use only 1 castor or none if you are building a self-balancing robot.
2. Add another layer of plate to the robot. You can choose not to use the plate if you wish to have only 1 layer.
3. Attach the motors to the base plate using the mounting plates. You may solder wires to the motors first before attaching the motors.
4. Lastly, add the wheels and encoder to the robot.