The BC548 is a general purpose epitaxial silicon NPN Bipolar junction transistor. BC548 Transistor is low noise compare to BC549, BC550. General purpose switching and amplification. NPN transistor in a TO-92, SOT54 plastic package. It is often the first type of bipolar transistor young hobbyists encounter and is often featured in circuit diagrams and designs published in hobby electronics magazines.
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Product ID: tt_10002
CategoryAnalog Electronics
NPN Bi-polar Junction Transistor/Amplifier
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About this Item
The BC548 is a general purpose epitaxial silicon NPN Bipolar junction transistor. BC548 Transistor is low noise compare to BC549, BC550. General purpose switching and amplification. NPN transistor in a TO-92, SOT54 plastic package. It is often the first type of bipolar transistor young hobbyists encounter and is often featured in circuit diagrams and designs published in hobby electronics magazines.